Kitty News

Wanderlust Kitty

Sparkle is up to her old tricks again. I got a call from the local Humane Society saying they had a little black kitty whose ID chip said she belonged to me. This is the 3rd time she’s been turned in to the Humane Society. This time she was found about 12 miles away. I don’t know if she’s walking all that way or if she’s getting a ride. She’s in great shape and friendly as ever. She missed her vet appointment a couple of days ago so she’ll have to stay inside until her new appointment on Feb 3rd. Sparkle is the mother of Mingo and Shy Baby.

It’s a Girl!

I took the new kitty to the vet today for her first shots and overall exam. The outside temperature was -22f so I went out early to get the truck started. It was a near thing, but it did start and after I got the kitty in the carrier and the carrier wrapped in a coat for warmth, we headed into town.

It was verified that the kitty was female so her name is officially Katrina. She got all her shots and was implanted with an ID chip. A surprise was that she had already been spayed. This indicated that her previous owners were taking good care of her. I feel bad thinking that they must be worried about her. She didn’t have an ID chip and I’ve had no luck finding where she came from so I guess I’ll just have to be happy that she chose to adopt me and is now safe and warm.

Vet Marathon Finish Line

We’re coming to the end of the Vet visits marathon. This next week, Mingo and Jade go on Tuesday, Tatiana and Zorro go on Wednesday and finally Katrina goes on Friday. Mingo was moved from Friday to Tuesday because he got a cat bite on his leg and I want to get him an antibiotic shot as soon as possible. I’ve been able to get two antibiotic pills in him but it took a real struggle so the shot will be a better bet. You’re probably wondering who this Katrina kitty is. That’s the name I gave to the new kitty who moved in about 6 weeks ago. The bad news is that we’re expecting a blizzard with plunging temperatures over the first two days of vet visits. Heavy snows and wind chill down to -50F. Wish me luck.

Uncle Ed moved from the cathouse on the back deck to the medium cathouse on the main deck. Both food and water are now just a few steps away.

I’ve been learning how to use a new photo editing program and came up with this last night.

Translucent Buffy…

Uncle Ed Finds a Home

Uncle Ed first visited my place in 2019. He was already a full grown.

I’ve only occasionally seen him since then. I think he was living with the farm animals at my neighbors to the west. He would come over to my barn to eat late at night. Well, as I’ve mentioned before, those neighbors bugged out with most of their animals, but leaving their cats behind. I had seen Uncle Ed spending a few hours in one of the heated cat houses in my barn, but never for very long. With temperatures dropping down to near 0F, Uncle Ed finally moved into the heated cat house on my rear deck. He looked absolutely exhausted. He would go around to my main deck where there’s food in the big cat house and a heated water dish. That’s been his routine now for the last few weeks. He’s now looking well rested and relaxed. So maybe he’s found his new home, at least for the winter.